E-filing for 2025 is now open. You do not have to have a User Name and Password in order to e-File.
Simply click on the red "e-File Personal Property" tab to the left to begin. You will then enter your Account Number and ePIN to complete online filing.
In conjunction with this year’s reassessment, the Missouri State Tax Commission (STC) has recommended a county-wide increase to help insure that our assessed valuation keeps pace with the recent sales trends in the real estate market. Due to the nature of the economy, among other reasons, I have decided to not accept the STC’s recommendation. Reassessment has occurred per state statute, but the only value increases in Phelps County for 2023 will be due to new construction (improvements to the property) or changes in the use of property (from residential to commercial, etc). We will begin mailing change notices the week of June 12. If you receive a change notice and have any questions concerning it, please feel free to contact my office.